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Entagral has partnered with Alliance Maintenance and Services, a Houston based service company.

This strategic partnership combines Entagral’s industry expertise & experience with the manpower and facilities of Alliance to provide an expanded array of services.

Equipment Inspection & Assessment – Experienced technicians provide detailed reports reviewed by Engineering and senior technical staff. Action item lists are generated to provide customers with a professional documented status of their investments.

Equipment Maintenance & Refurbishment – Whether on customer property or at Entagral’s facilities, Entagral’s engineers and technicians work closely to supervise cleaning, repairing or maintaining equipment as necessary to keep critical assets in reliable working condition.

Long Term Preservation and Storage – For contingency repair, intervention and other categories of equipment that are not subject to regular use, Entagral will develop and manage the long term care of the equipment to ensure that components are ready as soon as they are needed.