Entagral offers analysis support for a host of different riser AND JUMPER types AS WELL AS applications including flexibles, steel catenary risers (SCRs), top tension risers (TTRs), hybrids and umbilicals. Analysis can be performed as part of new riser design applications or as a verification of existing riser designs.
Riser configuration design to API 2RD and other relevant industry codes
Riser configuration selection including buoyancy size and location as well as top tension specification
Flex-joint specification and stress joint design
Riser touchdown response analysis including riser-soil interaction modeling and fatigue response calculations
Structural design of flexible riser accessories such as riser bases, bend stiffeners, subsea arches, clamps, etc.
Vortex Induced Vibration (VIV) response analysis and VIV suppression design including strake configurations
Jumper configuration design at riser base on seabed
Consideration of riser interference for crowded turrets
Tow-out & installation analysis and development of installation procedures