Plan | Manage | Communicate | Execute → Safety | Quality | Profitibility | Customer Satisfaction = Success

Our project managers strive to maintain the project schedule, drive milestone progress and completion, and coordinate the workflow and interaction between all parties in such a way to optimize safety, minmize failure, maximize benefits, minimize costs, and maximize profitibility.

Entagral Engineering’s certified project manager professionals provide necessary project management skills to guide our engineering projects from issuance of customer PO through to shipping logistics or paperwork deliverables, depending on project scope. Our PMs have many years of experience managing projects within the global energy sector.   

Our project managers are the first point-of-contact for any issues or discrepancies arising within our company/ vendor network and manage as necessary prior to the problem escalating to our customers. If, however, the issue affects safety, schedule critical path, quality, or there is a commercial impact, our project managers are first line or communication to our customers.

Typical Entagral project management tasks include planning project logistics, contract administration, streamline communications to all parties, creating and managing project schedules, monitoring budget, managing the Entagral project team, mitigating project risks and conflicts, and overseeeing project delivery.